Shineright Studio starts...again and again!

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Hello world, again!

Well, I’ve been moving my blog around different platforms quite a bit this year. Within only 8 months I’ve switched from Google’s Blogger to a self hosted Ghost blog on an AWS server, and now, I moved all my articles on my AWS server to this new blog, using Hugo static page generator, hosted on GitHub.

The reason why I switched to Hugo on GitHub is quite simple. I have to pay 100USD per year for my server on AWS if I continue self hosting my Ghost blog. With Hugo & GitHub, I only need to pay 12USD for my custom domain name, so hope you don’t mind me expressing my love for GitHub and Hugo here <3. (Well, other than this static page generator thing, I really enjoy Hugo’s Les Miserables.)

The old articles posted on my Ghost blog will be reposted on this new blog. However, I won’t be reposting the still older articles on my Blogger, so if you are interested in my oldest blog post, please check out my long abandoned Blogger site.

Same as before, I will mainly be writing articles about game design, game development, and the development progress of my own games on this blog. The different thing is, since I’ve switched to use the open source Godot Engine instead of Unity for the development of my next game, I’ll be writing more articles about Godot Engine instead of Unity. Enjoy.

You may want to check these pages out:


